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Pastor Bill and Rose are moving on to their next leg of their journey

Most of those listening to me, or reading the notes are aware that last June – 2020 – Rose and myself believed God to be leading us to make of move from where we had been living for nearly twenty years. Not only did we pray much, we also sought biblical counsel from godly, spiritually mature mentors, our family members and close Christian friends. We wondered how God would intertwine our desires to be closer to family and also use us in some way to minister in/for His Kingdom. Direct guidance and input from AGC leadership and the MBC leadership team were significant threads in all of the process of discovering our Father’s will. We sold our home in the midst of the rising real estate market, planning to purchase a home in the Minden Hills area. In the meantime God provided interim rental accommodation near Norland. The process with MBC continued to the conclusion wherein it was determined that I would be officially called to be MBC’s next shepherd. Meanwhile, the real estate market continued to skyrocket as to pricing, making obtaining affordable and suitable housing impossible for us. Woven into the fabric of all this was another unexpected thread. The very serious, life altering health realities that impacted me prior to our move from Peterborough in 1990 to Killaloe (where we lived until November 2020) returned in full force. There are too many factors to explain here and now, but in combination with the real estate market realities I can relate to Oswald Chambers’ “hanging onto the rope twisting in the wind” experience. Again, wise counsel with MBC and AGC leadership, other spiritual mentors, our family and close Christian friends – all bathed in much prayer with thanksgiving to our Sovereign Lord – have come together in loving support, understanding and trust despite the unknowns and unanswered questions. Our Heavenly Father has made it known that my family’s coming to MBC is meant to be a short term path along our journey of discipleship in Him. Today, April 11th, 2021 is my final message to you all. April 15th is the effective date that closes out our “official” ministry in connection with Minden Bible Church. We have had to relinquish to Christ our ideas of how things might have gone forward in our shepherding experience. We have needed to yield our hearts, minds, souls and bodies – even in grieving - - - ------------------------------------ - - - Page 9 the closure of one vital season of our lives while anticipating entering the next. Very much like the disciples in the gospels and Paul in Acts. Since last June we have seen the faithfulness of God in this roller coaster of a ride. We have experienced compassion, joy, confusion, affirmation and – even the expression of excitement from one in leadership while they affirmed that “in the Lord we’re in this for the ride!” The fabric of our lives has been forever changed for the good because of God’s workmanship in us towards the finishing of the life re-purposing He began when He chose us in eternity past to Himself. Rose, Mykal and myself thank you all for the fellowship we have in Christ. Thank you for the opportunities to have begun getting to know you – even in the larger picture that God controls and uses to refine and grow us in Him. Last October, Mykal wisely told me that “it takes a lot of pressure for a piece of coal to become a diamond.” Our Father has been bringing us all through trying times in the process of “diamond” making, fitting us into His eternal design for His Church. The bigger picture

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