MBC Announcements
Happy New Year
The Christmas season comes to a close as we usher in a New Year—new possibilities, new perspectives, renewed vision. Whatever we experienced in 2024—joys, sorrows, opportunities, setbacks—we can step into this new year with hope, grace and peace because we know the One who holds our future.
It is our hope that you will join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 to connect with others who are learning to walk with that hope in our hearts. ​​​
World Day of Prayer​
Save the Date: Friday March 7th
at MBC
Details to follow soon!​
The email address for E-Transfer Tithes and Offerings has been updated to:
MBC's Min/Man Team will have their monthly meeting
the second Tuesday of every month.
​ Have you wondered how you can make an impactful difference for your church and community but not sure how?
Let's talk Sunday morning and see how you can let your talents shine for God, supporting your church family and beautiful community.